Add amount for subscription in "next charge" column
Directory Toolkit
Currently only installments are added to the next charge column but ongoing subscriptions that have an established monthly subscription charge will show a blank for next charge even though there is an established next charge date. Add the next charge date to this column for subscriptions to it is easier to track which users have no upcoming "Next Charge" that is what the column should be for.
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Lis Alvarez
Directory Toolkit We are looking at this request and we are a bit confused. Subscription purchases have the 'Amount' column to indicate the amount that will be charged on the next subscription renewal.
'Next charge' column is a date field, so it wouldn't make sense to show a date for instalments and an amount for subscriptions. Instead, subscriptions use the column 'Period ends' for that purpose.
Would just showing 'Next charge' DATE on subscriptions make it more clear?
Directory Toolkit
Lis Alvarez Yes sorry incoming should be amount and next charge be the next charge date yes. The issue is the only thing showing here and on main page is installments vs subscription inbound. So can’t sort on my purchases when ALL upcoming payments are due and then see amount incoming.
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Lis Alvarez
under review