Add purchase type to contact page
Directory Toolkit
When looking at a contacts purchase currently, there is no way at a glance to see what purchases they have that are "active" meaning that there is an ongoing payment subscription going on. All I see is that they are current or PAID but have no idea if something is actively being paid. See image below as my example. All of the items are fully paid other than the popup at the bottom, but I would literally have no way of knowing that. I am literally clicking into each one to see if they picked the fully paid option or the monthly fee.
So can we add a simple "Type" column with pills like the status that say the type of payment that they chose, IE purchased, points, or subscription. Then in the case of the popup in my example, I would also expect to see something other than sold and received money, I expect to see something in the incoming column as there is an active paid subscription with a future upcoming payment but because they paid for a year and nothing is imminent I guess it is blank? Expect to see next payment and probably a date column so I can see all of the contacts next payments and amount all on one screen. Not a very good purchase overview if I can't scan to see what they are actively paying.
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