Adding more comprehensive events options
Mayssoun El Chamaa
In the events section in Simplero today we can only add daily events and if we have an event that extends to more than one day that option doesn't exist and we will have to create more than one event and add triggers which defies the purpose of what we would like to have our clients go through and that's a very easy journey using our site.
Our aim is to be able to add events schedules on our site pages or membership site pages that show events that extend to more than 2 days we have live workshops and sometimes we even want to promote and sell retreats on the site that extend to 5 days and a week even.
We want to be able to put an event in our events that starts today and repeats for 2, 3, 4 or even more days and show as one event all together when we list it in our events page for example for our site visitors to go check it and sign up for it and pay for the full event in one place in a very simple interface and get our welcome email including the calendar link for them to book their calendar. With the current set-up for the events we cannot do this and once our clients buy our events we will have to manually send them meeting requests so they book their calendar!
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