Better translation on checkout
Cxnsult. Live
When i look at the payment processor, it says this
Vi omdirigerer dig til Kreditkort/MobilePay for at gennemføre dit køb i næste trin. Vi giver instruktioner, når du har gennemført dit køb.
But in danish it would be much more logical to write...
Klik fortsæt for at gå til betalingsvinduet. Når din betaling er gået igennem, vil du modtage en bekræftelse via e-mail.
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We have updated the text on our database. It may take a few days to show up on the order form while the Engineering team pushes translations.
Lis Alvarez
Mette Aalykke
I agree it needs a change but She short version.
Clic proceed to make the payment
Klik fortsæt for at gennemføre din betaling.
Merete Stenner
I agree that "Click continue (or whatever the button says) to open the payment window". Would be better for the first part no need to put the payment processor label in that text.
The last part in your suggestion is actually not correct, they will only get an email if the product has that setup, what always will happen is they'll be taken to the thank you page, so maybe something like.
"When your payment is complete, you'll be returned to your purchase" or taken to the confirmation/thank you page.
So in Danish "Når din betaling er gennemført viderestilles du til dit køb" (eller til din bekræftelses/takke side - but that is less smooth than just to the purchase)
Angel Orozco
Cxnsult. Live Hi there!
Could you please let me know in English what part/text of the checkout we're talking about here?
I'm guessing you're talking about
"We'll redirect you to %{payment_method_name} to complete your purchase in the next step. We will provide instructions after you complete your purchase."
Kåre Wangel
Angel Orozco It is the right string.
However, this seems like a request to change the text altogether, not just the translation.
Instead of: "We'll redirect you to %{payment_method_name} to complete your purchase in the next step."
Proposal is: "Click continue to open the payment window."
Instead of: "We will provide instructions after you complete your purchase."
Proposal is: "When your payment is complete, you'll be returned to your purchase."