Chat in worksheets and surveys: Have <enter> add linebreaks
Tue Olesen
I find myself and my customers again and again hitting <enter> in the chat thread on a worksheet or survey, and send half-written messages. The more i use the chat function as a conversation tool with multiple paragraphs in a message, the more i think it becomes relevant, having to do "more" than just hit enter to send the message.
Also, when i use the chat threads on a smartphone, having to hit the shift button is even harder seems even harder to remember.
I have tried to adjust and learn it for a couple of weeks and with hundreds of messages, but still this doesn't feel right to me - and i keep getting half-written messages from my customers.
How about changing the chat function to this behaviour instead:
- Enter adds a line break. Always.
- Ctrl+Enter (or, Cmd+Enter on MacOS), or clicking the "Send" icon, sends the message.
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Tue Olesen
Just wanted to chime in and say, super duper happy to see this implemented! Thank you Simplero staff!
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Tue Olesen
- Just an extra idea: If some people really lovethe current behavior of having <enter> send messages in worksheet and surveys, how about making an account-wide setting to change it for all sites on a Simplero account?
Tue Olesen
For a few days during the past week i was delighted that the newline behaviour had changed so that Shift wasn't required anymore.
Never saw a Changelog update about it so assumed it was a change that was decided on and rolled out behind-the-scenes.
Now it seems we're back to the Shift+Enter behaviour again.
It really nags me because i KEEP breaking up the message flow for longer messages by accidentially hitting <enter> to make a newline as if was writing an email, and that sends the half-written message instantly.
I would SO much like the chat threads in Surveys + Worksheets work like the Forum's comment thread, where <enter> inserts newlines and Ctrl+Enter sends the message.
The big WHY? Because Consistency in the keyboard shortcuts really makes for an intuitive user experience both for users and admins.
Tue Olesen
Also, within the Simplero ecosystem we have two different behaviors:
In Chat threads/worksheets:
Enter sends the message, Ctrl+Enter creates a linebreak
In the Forum it is reversed:
Enter creates a linebreak, Ctrl+Enter sends the message.