Copy Affiliate to Another Affiliate Program
Daniel Martinez Stahl
Hi there,
Can you please make it possible for us to copy an Affiliate from one program to another?
See attached image.
Thanks as always for your time and your assistance.
Lots of love,
Daniel 🙂❤️
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Ryan Sullivan
Yes this is exactly what I have and had no idea that this couldn't be done till I read this, this is a must have why would you expect a user to have to stay in the same program they need to be able to move around. I have setup the same tiered affiliate program and need this as well.
Kahli Toy
Calvin Correli bumping this request.
To further explain why this would be helpful for us, and I'm sure others may have a similar setup:
We have two different commission structures/levels for one product, in two separate affiliate programs; a standard and a VIP.
Affiliates start out on the standard program and later we may invite them to VIP which is a separate affiliate program on Simplero.
For standard affiliate to move up to VIP means that they have a completely new affiliate link. Our affiliates generally have their affiliate link posted in many different places, making it challenging to replace the old link entirely. Therefore, any individual purchases that continue to come through on the old link have to be manually transferred over to the affiliate's account on the VIP program.
The ability to "transfer" an affiliate from one program to another, keeping their same link, would solve this issue.
We have almost 200 affiliates and growing so this feature would be amazing for us to save time transferring individual purchases.
Kahli Toy
Great request - this would be very helpful for our business too!
Also, the ability to either retain the same link, or to be able to send purchases from the old links to the new affiliate account. Affiliates generally have their links listed in several places and to switch out to the new link can be difficult. I am currently manually transferring each purchase to the new affiliate program.