Custom fields for Products
Ryan Sullivan
Right now custom fields are only allowed for contacts. Adding custom fields saves a lot of time for email allowing for dynamic insertion. Have custom fields that can be added that show in the configure page of products to set the email name, the topic area, the related services links etc. This would allow you to add these variables into the emails or other parts of the product pages etc. and save a ton of time by using the same email templates for each product sequenc and have the appropriate info inserted dynamically.
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Olga Maso Garriga
Custom fields and interpolation keys can definitely be used for products! And you can indeed use the same email automation and templates. Have a look at our guide here - Are we missing any that you might want to use?
You can also use the interpolation keys for any custom fields associated to the contact in your product-related pages. :)
Ryan Sullivan
Olga Maso Garriga OK will have to look at this more and test, why are the avaialble keys not in a insertion option in emails then I have to make them up on the fly or reference this to ever use them, should just be avaialble to insert. Maybe that is whay I didn't think it was a thing, perhaps that is the requs tehn to have the set list or custom keys dynamically added to an insertion dropdown lsit like the baseline liquid codes are set like?
Olga Maso Garriga
Ryan Sullivan where are you creating this email? Is this somewhere linked to the product? They show depending on where you create it
If you could open a support ticket we can look into this :) There might be some strange behavior going on
Ryan Sullivan
Olga Maso Garriga It was "email for automations", figured it should ahve them all and add in when I use that for a product automation or trigger email?