Default page for Membership Site
Iben Vutborg
Currently, the default page shown when clicking a Membership Site is the Courses.
Would be nice with an option to change this to show the Home page instead.
Reason is, that users might miss there's a menu with a lot of additional information like Forum or the home page itself.
It works perfectly in the browser, where they start on the home page.
It also does not make sense that there's always a "Courses" item in the navigation of the app (only). It even shows if you have added it manually (then there's just two: one called "Courses" and the other one with your own defined name).
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Tue Olesen
This has been radically improved in the Simplero App v2, released by end of Jan'2025
Susanne Marlou Dyhr
Agree with both. And i can’t Remove “courses” in The navigation or chance The name into danish og something i would prefer. Please fix.