Folders for media libary
Mette Aalykke
Id like to be able to put my media libary in to folders simular to folders on a pc or in Canva
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Calvin Correli
Marking this done for now.
If there's still challenges now that there's a sidebar with labels, let's hear them one at a time, so we can see how much demand there is, and address them one at a time.
Ryan Sullivan
Calvin Correli I think for me is that a folder you can add content to so it is in the "same spot", although I can get there with labels I can't that I know of upload to a "folder" / "label" I have to upload blank and then make another edit to toss the labels on top of the content. I have forgot a couple times then have to scroll down to content to label. So maybe an upload screen where we prest the labels we want then pick or drag in content into a holding tank screen which I have seen before then upload and then auto add labels to the content? Not sure.
Nicole Warner
Calvin Correli Agree with Ryan Sullivan, and dovetailing on what he said, here's another idea (see attached): Could we upload directly to the site by clicking and dragging (any number of items) to a specific label? This week I'll upload maybe 25 short videos, and I'd like to select them all from the file manager, then drag them over to a label, and then for them to upload, and for them to be automagically labeled.
Ryan Sullivan
Calvin Correli Here is another reason it does not act like folders, almost fake folders to be honest as labels are showing up that are not even in videos for instance.
Calvin Correli
Ryan Sullivan the reason we don't is performance.
The "Videos" tab is just one specific application of filters. Given the power of filters, they can potentially be VERY time consuming to apply, and calculating counts for EACH label WITH all filters applied can potentially be VERY slow.
So to optimize performance, we make that shortcut.
We could look at the implications of applying those filters when calculating the sidebar, but it might not be worth it.
It adds load to not just your page, but also in aggregate to our database and web servers, slowing things down for everyone.
I'll have the team take a look and see how costly it'd be.
Calvin Correli
Nicole Warner I do like this idea. Let me talk to the engineers.
Ryan Sullivan
Calvin Correli Understood, just does not act like one would expect so it is more confusion than help, maybe a lazy load type thing that only executes if you are in the video tab and happen to open the label popover. But bottom line would rather have the numbers not be there unlesss in all tab because if innacurate might as well not have it there. An example:
Calvin Correli
Ryan Sullivan I get it.
You see them as inaccurate. I see them as having a different meaning or definition than the one you're imagining and desiring.
And I get your point that you'd rather not see them.
We already lazy load. What I'm saying is that adding the filters can in some cases be way more costly to compute, and even if lazy loaded will still add load to our single database instance, slowing things down for everyone in aggregate.
Design is always about tradeoffs.
That said, the engineers wiil look at it.
Appreciate your feedback.
Calvin Correli
We now have the ability to show labels in a folder style on the left in your media library.
It doesn't extend to the media picker dialog yet ... that will need a bigger overhaul, but this should help a lot with finding/organizing stuff.
Thomas Rosenstand
Calvin Correli Very nice! Can we please get a response from you regarding invoices as PDF?
Laura Olsen
Calvin Correli this is great! Thanks for the heads up! This will save so much time!!!
Ryan Sullivan
Calvin Correli Am I missing where these labels get added I see the empty filter but do not see an image "edit"
Calvin Correli
Ryan Sullivan can you reach out to the support team pls? They can help.
Ryan Sullivan
Calvin Correli I'm all good now, I think when I checked one of these slideouts it didn't say anything so wasn't sure what it was for. Now there is a "no filters avaialable" item so st least I know there is something there. Maybe a ? with a link to a help file would be good there. I wasn't sure how to add a filter basically. So now only noticed after a while that tags and segments show there sometimes too again which I didn't know initially.
Angel Orozco
Merged in a post:
Kellee Conrad
I have been asking for this since I joined in 2019. The images are so small and it's so hard to find anything when I am trying to build a page. You've created everything else for this incredible site - this is the only thing I have asked for. Begged a pleaded! Lol! PLEASE give me folders!
Wen Darr
1000000000000% this!!! Having an internal vs. external name on images, as well.
Siif Floor
A solution could be to let us order the Labels in a hierarchy here:
See exampel in attached image.
When clikcing on the number of items in each label it should bring up the pup up with the items - But also the possibility to click on the type of item (pages, emails, videos, broadcasts, products, audios etc.).
See exampel in attached image.
Then when clicking the arrow next to the item type it should shoe a list of all the items on that type - and if clicking on the "pop up arrow" it should take you to a filtered table view for example pages with that label.
...and in general let us filter on multiple labels at once in the different table views in simplero.
George Kao
Good point! In the meantime here's a workaround: rename the images (instead of putting them into folders since we can't yet lol) -- add a unique word into the name of the images to represent the category. Then when adding image in the site builder, use the Search function to type in that unique word... it pulls up all the images with that word, so it's like a folder :)
Viona Haven
George Kao: that doesn’t work with SEO. To use SEO best you name the images as the search word. So a better folder to keep them in track would really help.
Miss Amanda
Viona Haven: agreed.
Viona Haven
Miss Amanda: yeah I’m a full time blogger and uses simplero. I have maybe 10 images in a blog post that are all named the exact same key word. Many times I use the same key word on many blog posts so right now I have like 30 images called “content writing examples”. Very hard to find the one I’m looking for if I search that. It would be lovely with more folders to keep it more organised.
Kellee Conrad
George Kao: I do all of that. However, it's still not efficient. Those teeny tiny images!? Ugh
Valerie Tate
YES! Definitely need this.
Aliza Rose
I have always felt that the media library was an unsung hero of Simplero’s features! But adding the ability to organize the media assets would make life so much easier!
Malene Dollerup
Yes that would be so helpful
Lene Steinke
yes please!!
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