Information on invoice
Carina Svendsen
It would be nice to have the product name + the price name shown on the invoice - or a least the possibility of the price name being shown on the invoice. Right now I have to have one product and one price in order to have the correct information on the invoice for the customer - even though it could be one product and 3 prices if the price name was shown.
I have a membership Dare to Dream Club. The customer can choose to subscribe montlhy, 3 months or yearly. I want it so shown on their invoice which price they bought - so I need the invoice to say:
Dare to Dream Club - månedsabonnement
In order for that to happen I need to have one product with the name "Dare to Dream Club - månedsabonnement", one product with the name "Dare to Dream Club - 3 måneders abonnement" and one product with the name "Dare to Dream Club - årsabonnement".
This makes it impossible for me to easily upgrade the customers price.
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Lis Alvarez
Lis Alvarez
Merged in a post:
Include prices on the invoice
Kian Sloth Falck
The possibility to include prices on the invoice itself. Now the invoice displays only the product.
My product can have several price options. Basic, superior and VIP product. But on the invoice only the product name is shown.