Issue Moving Sections While Editing
James Pipitone
There is an issue when attempting to move a section to a new location.
If it is not moved exactly how intended to be moved (by perfectly grabbing the dots and then dragging them exactly to the right located) then it freezed the section and i'm forced to restart editing by refreshing and start all over (slowly).
its not that its impossible to actually drag the section, its the occurance of the situation that is the frustration. having to hold and drag.. while of course not a major difficulty.. i have found the issue to continually arise more often then not.
when moving to the dots to drag, if i let go at the wrong spot, it will still do it- or if i were to miss the dots while going to drag, it will still do it- and if i try to simply grab the section (intuitivity makes most sense to grab and pull) - it will still do it.
the whole process of moving things around as a user is distruptive & discouraging. whenever im in a groove working i have to deal with it and restart the whole process and get back to where i was. obviously, it would be alot easier to have the freedom to move things around smoothly- and if say done incorrectly to some degree- have it go back to where it was instead of this issue.
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