Live streaming
Nicole Mixdorf
Please add the ability to live stream events in a Membership site! Simplero is great for hosting online courses with on-demand content, but I offer 10 live weekly classes per week. I'm currently doing this on Zoom, causing participants to watch live events in Zoom. Then I have to download the videos from zoom and manually upload them to Simplero. it's very time consuming. Having live events in Simplero where the event automatically records and lives in the media library would be a GAME CHANGER!!!
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sarie taylor
Is there still plans for us to be able to live stream? Any idea when it would be?
Calvin Correli
sarie taylor: Yes there are. Can't promise anything right now.
Tina Marie Nielsen
Yes yes yes! Please make this happen Calvin 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Calvin Correli
Jørgen Melchiorsen
Calvin Correli Awesome! 💪🏽❤️
Britt Ziwes
Calvin Correli so many great things happening right now 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Nicole Mixdorf
Calvin Correli Any updates on this? I think it would be great to integrate Zoom live streams so they they are viewable within a membership site. And if the Zoom recordings can pull through into the Media Library, that would be ideal! Right now it's a lot of manual processes to email the participants the links to the Zoom events, and then download the videos from Zoom, upload them into Simplero, and email participants that the replays are ready in the membership site. It would be so much cleaner for the live stream events to appear within the membership site itself!! Everything in one place without having to export/upload, etc.
Calvin Correli
Nicole Mixdorf: High on the list, but I don't see it happening this year. Q1 would be my target. Got some other projects we need to complete, then this comes next.
Calvin Correli
I'm putting this back to Open. We've done some research and found what looks like the best technology to support this, but we do have some other projects to do first.
My best guess right now is early Q4 but this is not a commitment.
George Kao
Calvin Correli: Zoom works so well, and the workflow of uploading to Simplero is reasonable imho, just like any of us would have to upload to other Course platforms. If there was a downvote button for this I would click it, because I know there are other priorities that would make the Simplero Experience better for Students, that would then cascade benefits for all other roles.
Andreas Hansen
So agree!!! This is _the_ most important tool.
I'm looking for a replacement for Zoom. My members really dislike it. Either it reminds them of work or they're having trouble using it.
Would love a simple solution 100% integrated with my membership site to handle webinars, group sessions and one-on-ones.
I can see that there's quite a few video call API's out there :)
Ben Goldman
Christina Drangel Drangel
That would be Awesome
Nicole Warner
I'd be a fan of this in any case, however if I could connect it to OBS Studio I'd be pleased as punch.
Brian Christiansen
Would love this
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