Meetings direct from Simplero?
Eli Irene Brager
I wonder if I can make meetings direct from the Simplero Platform. Now I use Zoom, but it had been great if Simplero could have done the same as Zoom, and also made the recorded video after. I heard that an other platform do this, then I wonder if you have thought about this.
Best regards Eli
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Nicole Warner
Here's one possibility (I couldn't find the thread where I had once suggested Jitsi Meet),
Nicole Warner
FocusMate uses, however after using FocusMate for a good half a year, I have to say it uses a lot of processing power; my computer runs hard whenever I'm in a session and I'm not sure how to adjust this. I believe George Kao might be able to chime in on this. :)
George Kao
Nicole Warner true! I do think Focusmate video takes more resources than say, Zoom.