Member-to-Member chat moderation/reporting/locking
Tue Olesen
Member-to-member chat on membership sites is a matter of trust. Turning the feature on open up a new area of questions about privacy and moderation that admins should be able to manage.
Most members are well-behaved, no problem.
But think of this: Without the admin knowing - some contacts could start a chat about sensitive/private/problematic topics, or one participant in the chat could be posting content that offends the other parts, or one participant could be harassing others by posting messages to them that are outside the membership site code of conduct.
With great power (member to member chat has great power) comes great responsibility :-)
Therefore, i suggest:
1) Enabling admins to read/moderate/delete chats, possibly by letting participants know that "an admin entered this chat thread".
2) Enabling participants to report a chat thread to admins, thereby reaching out for help if something out of bounds is going on.
This should be combined with limiting chat threads to selected sets of contacts as described in this request:
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Kat G
Well put Tue Olesen I just raised this same issue with my support team who kindly pointed me here.
Please give admins more power here so we can be supportive should anything untoward arise.
Meanwhile we are not going to switch on this member to member chat option as the risks out weigh the benefits. Which is such a loss to our communities...