Not show closed or draft products & courses in selection lists on product modules, buy links, etc
Robyn Kyberd
We have a couple of client accounts with hundreds of products and courses, many of which are set to Closed or Draft. This is causing some issues when using the internal linking option on page buttons, or course "get access" settings, or emails, or upsell selections etc, as the system will show ALL the Products and/or Courses (depending on what we're selecting) - not in any particular order, regardless of open/closed or available to buy - and you can't tell if it's the live version or not without selecting it, setting the page live and testing.
It would make it easier if these selection fields only showed products/courses that were available (i.e. published/listed/unlisted/dripped). Or at the very least grey out the items that are set to Closed/Draft so that it's much clearer what is available to use and what is not without having to completely delete products or courses.
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Tue Olesen
I vote for indicating in the link picker that the current status is dripped or draft -- sometimes we need to create links to stuff that is in draft or dripped state.