Only show new site notifications for current site
Merete Stenner
Currently in the "new experience" on sites, the Notification icon and dropdown shows notification from ALL sites on ALL accounts a user has access to. The user can then choose to set the settings to this site only, but it defaults back to all each time a new site is visited. Also the manage notifications only takes you to notifications from current site, so the users might accidentally turn off notifications from the wrong site.
From a learning perspective this is not a good strategy. Learning environments should be as distraction free as possible, and getting notified about events on other sites and even other Simplero accounts is a huge distraction.
So my suggestion is, that the notification icon and dropdown only shows notification for the current website I'm on (same should go for the chat btw). I really don't want my students being attracted to other peoples Simplero accounts while going through my courses or participating in my communities.
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Connie Friman
very very important
Mette Aalykke
This is so important.
Jannik Holgersen
Very important, I didn't know that until now. Thanks Merete 💪
George Kao
Oh wow... this is important to change. Thank you Merete.
Calvin Correli I do love that the new community experience feels more like FB but let's not emulate FB too much 😅
Merete Stenner
George Kao I so agree on that, it seems like all the nasty bits are coming along as well, I love that we get better community features, but I really feel that the educational considerations are totally lost, also on the new lesson design, it makes me sad because from a teaching point of view I really like the current course lesson design, with the embed features, download/no download options for additional content etc.