Only Show products a user has not bought
in progress
Directory Toolkit
Great that the 2.0 version now allows products, but would like one more setting added that filters out products already bought if a client is logged in so we do not end up showing them the 5 products they already own when we could show them 5 they still need to buy. This also makes it appear like we are not sure what they bought.
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in progress
Amelia Vogler
Please make this an option to turn on and off by section because having an unpredictable set of products on the screen can become a design nightmare. :) I would be more inclined to once purchased change the UI to indicate as much:
- maybe change the button label to "Already Purchased" and disable the button color to grey (or whatever your default is)
- maybe change the title to indicate state:
NAME OF PRODUCT (Already purchased) - or have some kind of graphic indicating as much with an on-hover help tip that says "Already purchased"
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Directory Toolkit
I was referencing the new 2.0 product matrix layout the design would be the same but products different so no design issue just different products. But having a setting to pick products or just show already purchased access now with link to the product or course etc would be neat too.
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
I can see this would be useful inside closed sites.
But sometimes if Simplero is used for the Main Site, the user would probably not be logged in when seeing the web site and in that case it can't filter the products.
Directory Toolkit
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen Yes but then the if bought don't show would not apply and all would show I would think.