Option to turn off revenue bar on dashboard
Nicole Warner
I've got bookkeeping software for that, and thus the dashboard isn't correct. It'd be nice to be able to turn it off, or to move it to the Receipts menu item.
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Christi Byerly
Yes, there could be several upgrades possible for the financial dashboard.
- Connect it to other bookkeeping systems so it's more accurate. We send manual receipts outside of Simplero for about a third of our participants, and their payments aren't included.
- Related: we need an easier way to send Freebie links (back to the way it used to be a couple of years ago) so that people who pay outside of Simplero can still access their content.
- And, it would be great if the dashboard could also show a full year of payments scheduled. It's hard to forecast when it only shows the past and the current month and one next payment.