Please make it standard when duplicating something - it is an exact duplicate
Siif Floor
When duplicating something in Simplero you always have to double check if the things actually are duplicated..
It leaves room for error and is time consuming that you manually have to compare the settings from the original with the new duplicate... and then manually add the things that are missing.
Examples of missing stuff when duplicating:
Emails for automation:
- The labels are missing and you have to add then again manually
Email lists:
- The labels are missing and you have to add then again manually
- Custom GDPR Consent message - you will have to turn it in manually and fill in the information again
- Tracking code is deleted - you will have to turn it in manually and fill in the information again
- The "start trigger" is missing - Please duplicate them as well and just have them as inactive
I know there are more cases, these are just the ones i could think of on top of my head when creating this feature request..
(to those of you reading this request, please feel free to add in the comments other things that are missing when duplicating something. I assume that is will make it easier for Simplero with a complete list 😀)
I hope you will normalize that a duplicate is a clone of the original with all the original settings 😍
Thank you very much
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Kristina Smith
Great request, thanks Siif! I'll add that the last I checked, Custom Thank You content didnt duplicate either :) 🙏
Lis Alvarez
Ali Ryder
When you duplicate a lot of things, the labels are missing. I'm pretty sure that's also the case for Products and Courses.
Miss Amanda