"Unless contact..." instead of "only if contact"
Ali Ryder
When setting a price level, you have the ability to show a price 'only if contact..." However, this has the side effect of meaning that the price defaults not NOT showing up until the contact enters their email address. If this is the only price, this results in customers seeing the message that the item has been removed from their cart, which is confusing.
What I'm proposing is to have an option that a price shows up by default, UNLESS the customer has X/Y. So for example, I could have a price that shows up by default, so the advertised price is $50 or whatever, but then IF they enter their email address, the price might get removed.
Some use cases:
- preventing customers from buying the same product more than once.
- preventing customers from buying a different variant of a product that they already own a different variant of
- have an advertised price for say, the lower 48, but charge a higher price if outside of the country or in Alaska
- lots of other use cases too where you'd normally want a price only available to certain customers but you do want the customers to be able to reach the shopping cart
An additional note/request - it would be great if we could then specify the reason. Like "this price is only available for people living in [Country]" or "you already own this product, so please go to [link] to access it"
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