Why is there two buttons on events created via zoom?
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Hi team
If I add an event list on a landingpage with an event created via zoom, I get two buttons a "read more" and a "sign up"
The read more sends them to the Simplero registration page and the "sign up" sends them to the zoom registration page.
This doesn't really make sense to me. And I would like to be able to only have one button, or be able to decide what happens on the "read more" button...
There might some kind of logical reason to why there's two buttons, but it's not clear to me.
- Sarah
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Izabella Schou
Sorry - jeg var nødt til at dele beskeden i to dele og den sidste del kommer nu først. Så de skal læses i omvendt rækkefølge.
Izabella Schou
Dette skaber to problemer:
1. Vi vil gerne kun have folk sendt til Zoom's egen tilmeldingsside fordi er genkendelig men også fordi vi kan tilføje felter og tick-boxes i formularen
2. Simpleros tilmeldingsformula har kun fornavn, efternavn, og email, hvilket ikke er fyldestgørende for at folk kan skrive sig op til nyhedsbrevet.
Vi vil KUN bruge Zooms egen registration. Kan vi derfor få opdateret Events-modulet til kun at sende folk til Zoom-registreringssiden, dvs. præcis sådan som "Tilmeld"-knappen virker i legacy-builderen? Eller bare fjerne "Se mere"-knappen?
Er det muligt at customise Simpleros tilmeldingsformular, da den er meget barebones, og ikke indeholder andet end navn og email? - Vil gerne have en tickbox med custom text hvor vi kan skrive "Jeg siger ja tak til at modtage nyhedsbrev", og et telefon-nummer-felt?
Presserende problem 2: Simplero-Zoom-integrationen sender ikke nogen bekræftelsesmails, når man opretter WEBINARS, men gør det når man laver alm. MEETINGS
Dette er relateret til tilmeldingsproblem oppe over:
Vi tænker at dette er en bug, men når vi opretter et webinar, og folk tilmelder sig gennem Simplero's tilmelding, så bliver der ikke sendt nogen bekræftelsesmail fra Zoom med join-linket osv. fra Zoom, men det gør der når man opretter et almindeligt møde.
Dette er et problem, fordi hvis vi er tvunget til at bruge Simplero's egen tilmeldingformular, så har vi ikke felterne som vi skal bruge,
og hvis vi bibeholder Event-pluginnet, som det er i legacy-builderen, så modtager folk ikke nogen bekræftelsesmail fra Zoom når de får trykket på "Se mere" eller på titlen, men gør når de trykker på Tilmeld,
fordi Simplero-Zoom integrationen ikke gør dette når man opretter Webinarer.
Vi ser rigtig meget frem til at høre hvad I kan hjælpe os med i denne forbindelse.
Izabella Schou
Kære Simplero Support
Vi har et problem med Upcomming Events-modulet som går på tværs af både legacy-builderen og 2.0-builderen.
@Sarah - AdminHero er også involveret og vi arbejder hårdt på at få problemet løst ASAP. Derfor kommer her yderligere informationer om sagen.
Sagen er:
Vi har for nylig skiftet over til Zoom fra WebinarJam som webinar-hosting platform, og har i den forbindelse tændt for Zoom-Simplero integrationen.
Dette virker i første omgang fint med at vi kan kreere vores webinars i Zoom's egen browser-client, og vi kan se at webinarsne derefter findes inde i Simplero/Events.
Men der er to presserende problemer i denne forbindelse:
Presserende problem 1: Events-modulet har flere forskellige måder at tilmelde sig på der opfører sig forskelligt
• I legacy-udgaven har man tre muligheder for at trykke tilmeld:
1. Tryk på "Tilmeld" -> Forward til Zooms egen registration-side
2. Tryk på "Se Mere" -> Forward til Simpleros registration-side
3. Tryk titlen highlightet i rød -> Forward til Simpleros registration-side
• I 2.0-builderen har Events ikke nogen knapper
1. Man kan derfor kun trykke på titlen -> Forward til Simpleros registration-side
2. Derfor ikke nogen mulighed for at bruge Zooms egen registreringsside som vi skal bruge
Problemet er her, vi har brug for kun at forwarde til Zooms registration-side fordi vi har konfiguret den med de felter vi skal bruge, hvor folk bl.a. skal trykke Ja Tak til at modtage nyhedsbrev.
Dette er lige nu ikke en mulighed i 2.0, og i legacy kan folk få trykket sig ind på Simplero's tilmeldingsside.
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Calvin Correli
Lis Alvarez do you know what this is about?
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Calvin or Lis Alvarez let me know if you need more info. I'm happy to help.
Lis Alvarez
Calvin Correli: It's a legacy builder bug. Reported 11 months ago in Linear.
Lis Alvarez
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen: Could you confirm this only happens on the Legacy builder and not the new builder 2.0?
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Hey Lis - on the 2.0 builder it only activates the Simplero sign up - in this specific case my client actually wants the Zoom one as it also has the GDPR consent notice tick box. Which is not the case on signing up for events via the Simplero event form.
Well actually it doesn't even show a button on the 2.0 page, when you click on the event it opens the sign up registration - to most it would probably make sense to have a button otherwise they might not know they can register.
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Lis on the legacy builder it's an issue with the two buttons. But there the sign up button leads to the zoom registration page.
Lis Alvarez
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen thanks for that!
The priority here for us would be to improve Builder 2.0/new experience registrations first.
What I hear:
- Events in the new experience/builder 2.0 do not show GDPR consent checkbox, which is needed for them when targeting brand new contacts who haven't given their consent yet.
- You'd rather show the button on the event card so it's clear there's a registration process.
Is that correct?
Lis Alvarez
There's an existing request to get GDPR added to events registration here: https://simplero.canny.io/feature-requests/p/gdpr-consent-tick-box-when-registering-for-event
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Lis Alvarez - yes please to the GDPR consent 🙏 - I've already voted on the other feature request.
And yes I'd show the button on the event card, to make the process clear.
Completely understand the focus on the 2.0 - but as long as the legacy is there as well, this really should be fixed. At least by only showing one of the two buttons-
Lis Alvarez
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen: if we were to show only one of the 2 buttons, you mentioned it should be the one that links to Zoom but only because we don't request GDPR in Legacy either.
So if we were to make both Legacy and Builder 2.0 show one button only and that it links to the Simplero registration flow with GDPR consent it will also resolve the problem, yes?
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen
Lis Alvarez the GDPR will solve a huge hurdle - but currently the Simplero registration doesn't give the possibility to add more input fields, such as phone no.
Lis Alvarez
Sarah Eskildsen-Mortensen would this feature request cover that then?
Andreas Kleis Baarsøe
Lis Alvarez Hi Lis! I am Andreas - part of the team that Sarah has a client.
It will to a certain degree solve it for now, as this is business-critical for us to include the possibility to make a tick box because then people can write the GDPR consent in whatever language they like, but I think you should perhaps consider this in broader perspective.
I think that simply allowing the user to decide whether they would want to use the Simplero or the Zoom registration would solve all of these issues immediately. - Plus the "Sign up"-button :-) - or at least til the Simplero option is iterated upon.
If you have made the decision to move away from the Zoom registration, which I personally think would be unfortunate, then I think I think the goal would be to essentially mirror the Zoom registration configuration, meaning pull over whatever the user has configured from Zoom as the registration form. Because the workflow is to setup all of this in Zoom and then it is imported by Simplero. This must be possible to retrieve with from the Zoom API. I have added a screenshot of what we need.
I should raise another critical problem that we have faced with the Simplero registration formula, which I think is a bug/not intentional.
When you set up a Webinar, and somebody registers through the Simplero-formula, no confirmation email is sent to the registrant. This is not the case when signing up to a regular meeting, so this must stem from the fact that webinars and meetings are considered two different things.
These challenges are effectively blockers for us to generate leads so assistance on this is really appreciated, and thank you for the responses so far.
Thank you in advance and I am happy to elaborate :-)
Lis Alvarez
Andreas Kleis Baarsøe: got it. thanks for the details. I'll relay that to the team.
Lis Alvarez
Andreas Kleis Baarsøe: actually, one more clarification. If you were able to request GDPR consent, and add custom fields to Simplero events. What would stop you from creating the Event from Simplero instead of syncing from Zoom? You can add triggers to Simplero Events to send out confirmation emails.
Andreas Kleis Baarsøe
Lis Alvarez Hi Lis! Great question and I am happy to elaborate.
I think there are two parts to this and I made two comments here to answer. Sorry if this is a bit long.
First, there is the registration part:
From a functional standpoint, If we were able to request GDPR consent and custom fields from the Simplero registration formula, then we would be happy, but it would be a requirement that we could make the formula as a saved template that we could retrieve for every new Event we want to make. This is because lead-generation is derived directly from Webinars, so events are not one-offs and templates alleviates human errors in setup.
The other thing, however, is the visual representation of the Simplero registration formula which is - with all due respect - a small pop-up dialogue box, whereas the Zoom registration page is an entire page that people are forwarded to, and people are very familiar with it. However, it is also - in our opinion - rather dull and apart from the fields, customisability is very limited. You cannot change the colours, but you can add a banner at the top and a small logo, but that’s it. Also, you are limited to using only ten languages, so we cannot write “Surname” in Danish for instance, because we cannot customise the preconfigured fields, including “Phone”. We cannot redirect from it either which is annoying.
It would be absolutely fantastic and really powerful if Simplero had the functionality to adapt the opt-in pages into a custom registration formula that worked for events. This way, we could totally customise a great looking registration-site that the Events list on the landing page would link to, and we could do this in a funnel where we could connect a thank you page, and the triggers and automations from there. This would absolutely move us over to using the Simplero registration formula, and I think this would make Simplero even more competitive to other solutions as well that tries to do third-party formulas for Zoom. You already have the page-builder and the opt-in category templates, so doing this for events would be so good!
Andreas Kleis Baarsøe
Lis Alvarez
The second part is what stops us from creating the events themselves inside Simplero:
Firstly, to my knowledge (I may be wrong), it is not possible to make templates for event settings or a standard Event that you can just choose on a drop down to get all your settings. I think this is a universal thing for all types of users that want to Events, but secondly, for us where it is all about Zoom Webinars, the current Simplero-Zoom integration does not allow for 1; generating a Zoom meeting inside the Simplero Events creator, and 2; you cannot adjust any Webinar-specific settings, because these are all only in Zoom web-client. So even if I wanted to use the Simplero Event creator, I still have to go back to Zoom and press create Webinar, write a title, set a date, copy the registration link, go back to Simplero Events, paste it in, and this would have to be done in for every single Webinar you create. Inside Zoom, I can create a new webinar in three clicks because I have setup a template so I just choose the template, set the date, and click create. And here, the Simplero-Zoom integration works so great because Simplero Events updates instantly, and I set my label on my Webinar to make it show on my landing page events, and I add my trigger to start the entire automation we have set up for it, and that is really great.
Perhaps, a workaround would be if the Simplero Events creator could fetch my templates from Zoom, so I knew that all my webinar settings were correct, and it could generate the registration link, because then, I would not have to leave the Simplero Events creator at all.
Sorry for long post and thank you for the assistance :-)
Lis Alvarez
Andreas Kleis Baarsøe these are all great points and insight, thank you for sharing. We definitely want to get Events to the next level. It's a matter of when it will happen. All noted!