We have huge automations set up for our course flow and one big issue is to combine different cycles of email without having to make so many small sub automations.
The "WAIT" till step is simply not sufficient enough, since some mails or actions maybe needed for a specific period that overlap other wait steps.
So on mail or add tag or .... etc steps it would be great if there was possibillity to set dates/times as
  • Do IF before this <date/time> (I know we have the skip if previous step exceeded - but this dont always fit in the flow).
  • Do IF date between <start date/time> and<end date/time>
if really like we are missing IF xxxx then do xxxx ELSE doooo
For instance i want to give one tag if they bought course before XX date and another tag if they bought after XX date
I wanna send one welcome email if they bought before XXX date and another email if they bought after XX date.
Having the "wait till" often stops our customers on steps higher than we need to and makes later customers not get the previous mails.
Right now i have to give tags to control this, so for instance assign a tag to ALL thats starts in the automation like "Bought before XXXX" then start them in sub automation
In main automation i then have to let them "fall down through" the date flow and instantly remove the tag "Bought before XXXX" if this is not true.
In sub automation i will have to have a 30 min. wait step so im sure "untrue" tags are removed.
This is cumbersome and makes complex automations flows.